From Kitchen Bakes to Business Breaks: A £900K Sweet Success Story

From Kitchen Bakes to Business Breaks: A £900K Sweet Success Story

Once upon a time, a simple passion for baking in a cozy kitchen transformed into a booming £900K business. This is the tale of Candice Bannister, who embarked on a remarkable journey armed with eggs, sugar, flour, and a bundle of dreams.

Fourteen years ago, she couldn’t have fathomed that her love for baking would become a thriving empire. This mother of two, who once juggled cakes and a career in social housing, now stands at the helm of Candy’s Cupcakes, a national sensation.

The Birth of a Business

The Early Days

Candice’s journey into the world of entrepreneurship began modestly. Known among family and friends for her delicious cakes, she dreamt of turning this passion into something bigger. The dream started taking shape when her husband Oliver gifted her £300 worth of baking ingredients in 2010.

This gesture was the nudge Candice needed to start Candy’s Cupcakes. She launched her business after returning from maternity leave, initially reaching customers through her Facebook page. Orders started pouring in, not just from acquaintances but also from locals she had never met. By February 2011, Candy’s Cupcakes was officially a registered company.

A Balancing Act

Managing a growing business and a full-time job, especially with a new baby, was no small feat. Candice was at a crossroads, managing her social housing career and flourishing business. But in 2014, with a bold heart, she decided to devote herself entirely to Candy’s Cupcakes.

A Flourishing Enterprise

Nationwide Sweetness

Candice’s decision paid off. The business started shipping nationwide in 2018 and reported an impressive £900,000 turnover in 2023. A significant online presence, a dedicated website, and a growing team have been instrumental in this growth. The pandemic, while challenging, turned into an unexpected opportunity. The demand for ‘get well soon’ gifts surged, with Candy’s Cupcakes offering comfort through its cake slices in a box.

Expansion and Innovation

The business has come a long way, from operating in her mum’s outdoor office to moving into a renovated nut and bolt factory. The team grew, and so did the product range. Introducing a subscription box service is the latest feather in their cap, promising customers a monthly treat of exclusive cupcakes and goodies.

Embracing Social Media

Candice recognized the power of social media early on. Platforms like TikTok have driven sales, with the business raking in over £33K through the app. The future looks promising, with plans to hire more staff and introduce new product lines.


Candice’s story is a testament to where passion, ambition, and the support of loved ones can lead. From baking cakes for family and friends to running a successful nationwide business, her journey is inspiring. Candice attributes her success to a perfect blend of passion and relentless ambition. Her love for baking is at the heart of her business, making each cake and cupcake not just a treat, but a slice of her dream.
